Contact Us

DxPartner was established in 2020. Its predecessor can be traced back to 2004. The founder and his entrepreneurship team have more than 20 years professional background and comprehensive experience in IVD Assay Development, Scale Up, Manufacturing, Registration and even one-stop enablement service. Over the past 20 years, DxPartner has served many IVD manufacturers, with customers all over the world, and successfully enabled many listed IVD companies.
DxPartner is a science-based, technology-driven Contract Development Organization (CDMO business) focusing on IVD industry. Adhering to the service concept of Innovation driven and customer-centric, it is committed to providing comprehensive and high-quality outsourcing assay development, process validation and scale up technical consulting and ……


Office: 341 Yanhe West Rd, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong
Facility: No. 21, Shanbianhong East Rd, Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian
Hot Line: 400-880-1039

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